Waktu kelahiran ternyata menentukan kepribadian anak
10.00 – 12.00
Sosok yang ramah ada di dalam kepribadian anak yang lahir di jam-jam ini. Ia cenderung memilih berteman dengan orang yang memang memiliki kesamaan dan mampu untuk menyatukan beberapa orang menjadi satu kelompok.
Anak yang lahir di waktu ini selalu mencari teman dan pengalaman baru.
12.00 – 14.00
Kepribadian ambisius ada pada anak yang lahir di jam ini. Ia cenderung mampu bertanggung jawab akan apapun tugas yang diberikan.
Ia juga pandai bekerja sama dengan orang lain sehingga memiliki kerja tim yang baik.
Baca Juga
When facing a tough time your first instinct may be to quit your dream. You may have been so frustrated with life that you wish to end the struggle and just get it over with.
You may think Jesus is against me, so there is no way I can win. This big bad God up in the sky hates me and is mad at me that's why I am not loving my life.
You may say, "I want to start a business, but I don't know if I can become Christian and yet still be wealthy."
Or you might say, "I have the money I need, but will Christ allow me to be happy in my new business?"
These are tough questions to answer that only an expert can guide you properly on. A Christian Leader will always refer to the Bible and remind you there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. Even if your desire is the good life.
Let's break this down, and look at this more closely.
Romans 8: 1
GOD'S WORD® Translation
So those who are believers in Christ Jesus can no longer be condemned.
This is a beautiful scripture, but what does it really mean. To understand this we must first look at the meaning of condemnation.
(n.) The act of condemning or pronouncing to be wrong; censure; blame; disapprobation.
This means if you look into Romans 8:1 that Jesus doesn't judge you, pronounce you wrong or blame you.
It's never your fault!
Matter fact God has gone on the record saying He will not rebuke you, and Jesus said He doesn't judge.
Let's look into these two scriptures:
Isaiah 54:9 "To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So now I have sworn not to be angry with you, never to rebuke you again.
John 8:15 You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one.
These two scriptures are both from the NIV or New International Version, and they are the basis for Grace.
God is not angry, Jesus doesn't judge.
These two scriptures really help you in life because they teach you the real and true essence of God. Who He truly is. He is a "Happy God".
Jesus brought the message of reconciliation meaning that we can NOW BE FREE!
Now what does this have to do with starting a Christian Home Business?
When you are with Christ and you confident in the fact that he is Happy, and non judgmental you have a healthy mind.
Condemnation kills you! It ministers death. This means the death of your business as well because the most important step to wealth is this.
Condemnation kills belief, and without belief you can't receive.
Condemnation also takes away your confidence, and confidence is one of the most important Biblical traits of a Christian Business Leader.
It take confidence to stand on the science of faith. The science of faith allows you to become wealthy.
Faith is the evidence of things unseen (Hebrews 11:1).
You may have tasted the good life, and you're hungry for more.
This is how you get it...
Form a clear and distinct mental image of what you want, Hold fast to the purpose of what you want, and live in gratitude as if it is currently yours.
A great way to do this is with affirmations. Get with an expert who know the Bible and can lead you down a Christian path. One who can give you positive words of God to say that increase your faith.
The more you say something the more you believe it.
Justin Allen Hammonds is a Christian Home Based Business Leader That Specializes In Working With Customers One to One To Help Them Generate Leads, Gain New Customers, & Remove Condemnation From Their Life And By Starting a Business That Fulfills Their Dream, So That They Gain New Levels Of Security, Happiness, & Income Fulfilment. Christian Marketing Excellence Is His Flagship Coaching Program.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Justin_Allen_Hammonds/2502817