Alasan Dewi Perssik Tak Kunjung Hamil Meski 3 Kali Menikah, Begini Kelakuan Mantan Suami 1 dan 2

BANGKAPOS.COM - Banyak yang menduga Dewi Perssik memiliki kendala untuk hamil. Pasalnya, pedangdut ini sudah tiga menikah.
Namun, dari ketiga laki-laki yang pernah bersamanya, Dewi Perssik belum pernah hamil.
Dewi Perssik memberikan alasan terkait ketidakhamilannya tersebut.
Dia juga membantah dirinya mandul sehingga tak bisa memiliki keturunan.
Dewi Perssik salah satu artis yang sudah beberapa kali menikah dan membangun rumah tangga.
Mulai dari Saipul Jamil, Aldi Tahaer dan suami ketiganya kini Angga Wijaya.
Sebanyak tiga kali menikah, Dewi Perssik belum juga memiliki momongan sendiri.
Hal tersebut pun menjadi pertanyaan warganet beberapa hari lalu di instagramnya.
Sampai ada pula yang mengira kalau Dewi Perssik memiliki kekurangan tidak bisa hamil atau mandul.
Melalui chanel Youtube 'The Onsu', Dewi Perssik blak-blakan masalah yang membuatnya tidak bisa memiliki momongan.
Bukan karena mandul atau menunda, saat ini Dewi Perssik sedang menjalani program hamil.
"Aku juga program hamil kok, bukan berarti aku mandul pemirsa selama ini, orang-orang bilang dari suami pertama sampai ketiga kok belum hamil-hamil," ujar Dewi Perssik.
Kemudian ia pun menceritakan masalahnya tidak bisa memiliki momongan saat menjadi istri Saipul Jamil.
Dewi Perssik pun mencurahkan isi hatinya 2 tahun menjalani biduk rumah tangga dengan Saipul Jamil susah mendapat anak karena alasan tertentu.
"Sama suami pertama, aku gimana mau hamil gitu kan, (alasannya karena) ya susah diungkapkan, semua orang sudah tahu," jelas Dewi Perssik.
Media companies, entertainment firms, and IT organizations to some extent, are literally getting more and more distraught in the modern era. It is because of the Digital Transformation factor, which they are being forced to consider. More specifically, the Information, Media and Entertainment (IME) channels are totally watchful of the current situation and are playing a safe game.
Given below are some steps helpful in realizing content transformation digitally.
Content Marketing
Generating quality content is not just enough. Remember that it requires a lot of efforts to produce top-notch content after a lot of research. Why not take financial advantage of the situation by publishing the content generated and earning revenue from it through the best available subscription plans.
Google tells smaller content creators to increase base to more than 1,000 subscribers
Dynamic Content
Multidimensional content that is ultra-rich in quality besides being effective and informative with a faster reach will have maximum impact. Creating the initial impressions in the minds of the readers ahead of the rest gives your company the competitive advantage that is quintessential. The below-mentioned tools are ideal and helpful in this regard.
Content Developer Tools
Drag & Drop editor
Web 2.0 User Authoring
Those content resources aiding quicker generation along with social integration is something that one needs to prefer in the first place.
Operational Model
Every customer will have a definitive objective as far as their content requirement is considered. Leveraging the content and matching it with the operational aspects of the corresponding businesses will be highly effective. The focus should be on creating different content strategies fitting in a single framework yields best results.
Content plays a vital role in any organization when it comes to it getting transformed digitally.
Reuse Your Content
A centralized editorial system is your platform for creating content. However, you cannot go on producing content in a context where reusability plays a huge role. A single piece of content could be considered across platforms helping you to gain more traffic.
Maximize Your Technology
Going digital is not an easy task to manage as it requires to consider multiple domains with respect to technology. It is possible to drive increased user engagement as bots take care of a majority of your requirements resulting in a comprehensive automated experience.
Revamp Your Market
Reconsidering a business decision from a new perspective will play a huge role in your future growth. It should not be forgotten that business trends constantly impact current market situation. Hence, it is a must for business processes to scale up and obtain maximum savings.
If you have any questions about the different marketing services or just don't know where exactly to start, reach out to Aptiva Corp for a consultation.
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