Kisah Istri Pertama Senang dan Bersyukur Suaminya Poligami Ini Jadi Viral! – Senang dan bersyukur dipoligami suaminya, seorang netizen asal Malaysia jadi sorotan warganet.
Ya, warganet menilai ini adalah suatu kejadian yang langka.
Seperti diketahui, para wanita tidak suka dimadu, meski hal ini diperbolehkan.
Tapi, hal berbeda justru ditunjukkan oleh Lela Qaseh Arayyan Arfan di pernikahan kedua suaminya, Syed Nunfique dengan madunya Nurul Baizura.
Tidak hanya ikhlas dan memasang senyum, tapi ia juga mau duduk berdampingan bahkan berfoto selfie dengan madunya.
“Alhmdulilah smuanye selamat,
Selamat pengantin baru suamiku (emoji love)
Bertambah lgi tanggungjawab awk,moga awk boleh membimbing kami kejalan yg diredhai,dn kami sentiasa bhgia bersamamu hingga Jannah Allah,Aamiin
#DoakanKebahagiaanKami,” demikian tulis Lela dalam keterangan unggahan fotonya.
Postingan ini langsung viral dan dibagikan hingga 9,4 ribu kali oleh netizen.
Postingan tersebut juga memancing ribuan komentar, yang isinya pro dan kontra netizen. Ya, ada yang turut bahagia dan mendoakan Lela, namun ada juga yang menilai kalau Lela hanya berpura-pura karena sejatinya tak ada wanita yang rela dimadu.
“Hanya wanita berhati emas yg rela untuk dimadu…” tulis Titin Agustina.
“Aq pilih pisah, dripda poly gami, gk kuku sakit hatinya, bnyak cara lain tuk bhagia,walau pun aq tau,ada janji Allah disana, tapi kalau gk ikhlas y prcuma saja,, justru akan menciptakan neraka dunia,” tulis Endang Sarlianti Endang.
“Bahagia nya darimana y ,kalo orang yg kita cintai tidak hnya mencintai kita…. Setau qu kebahagiaan itu,jika orang yg kita cintai hanya mencintai 1 wanita,walau pun ini sunnAh tpi jika ini d posisi qhu aq blum siap,” timpal Nasution Cie Brany.
“Salamat karna anda tlah menempatkan diri di depan janah.. Bagi yg berfikir fositip dan beriman Keihlasan anda itu adalah contoh yang bagus dan ladang pahala.. selamat semoga allah senan tiasa melimpah kan rahmat nya kepada kita semua amin…” tulis Heri Nu, demikian melansir
With so many SEO tools available, the one that is most useful are "Google webmaster tools." Although, these tools don't have all the perks that can help in commercial SEO suites, but it offers an array of essential SEO insights. In this post, we are going to shed light on the benefits of webmaster tools.
Let's dive in
What are Google Webmaster Tools?
These are the logical set of tools designed for webmasters. These tools make communication easier with Google. They tell you how Google sees your website including the adjusting the crawling rate, listing the external and internal links, checking keywords, and click-through-rate.
How to get started?
No rocket science here! To use these tools, you need to register yourself first. After registering, you need to cross over the verification process. To verify ownership, you can follow any of these instructions-
Download an HTML file and then add root directory to your site
· Add HTML tag above your homepage
· Verify via Google Analytics
· You can choose any of these methods in order to get started with Google webmaster tools.
Easy to use
Yes, using Google webmaster tools are so easy. After verification, and getting a code from Google, you need to place it on your site. After successfully login, you can see a dashboard and from there you can access different sections such as Sitemaps, Keywords, Crawl errors, and your site.
Benefits of Webmaster Tools
· It enables you to access useful data and metrics of your marketing campaign.
· It optimizes your SEO keywords by delivering based on most searched keywords of a specific industry. These can be used for both outbound and inbound SEO marketing.
· It provides you a better vision related to the crawling and indexation movements according to your website's search engine algorithm.
· It enables you to use analytic data related to outgoing and incoming links to your web pages and improves your link building campaign as well.
Features of Webmaster Tools
Website owners often use these tools to monitor, diagnose and optimize their website. These are really very useful tools used for Search Engine Optimization, as they give an overview to the site owner regarding the complete SEO data, including crawl errors, keywords, etc.
Even if you are looking for the actual overview of your website, then these tools are good to go with. You can sign it for FREE and after verification, you can see all the information about your website.
Whether you own a big eCommerce or a small site, the webmaster tools can help you a lot. These not only help in enhancing page rank of your site but also letting you know where your site lacks.
Triveni is a professional writer who loves to write on various topics.
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