Selektif dalam Mencari dan Memilih "Informasi Bergizi"

Lebih khususnya, mencari dan memilih "informasi bergizi" yaitu informasi/pesan yang mampu membangkitkan kita untuk saling berbagi, berinteraksi sehingga mendorong dinamika sosial ke arah perubahan kehidupan yang lebih baik (better life).
Ada beberapa hal yang bisa menjadikan poin dalam menyeleksi, mencari dan memilih informasi tersebut, antara lain dengan memerhatikan:
Sumber informasi
Sumber informasi ini penting, karena kita perlu mengetahui siapa yang menyampaikan, apakah bisa dipercaya atau tidak.
Jika sumbernya tidak jelas, atau meragukan, berarti pesan/informasi yang disampaikan jangan langsung ditelan mentah-mentah. Apalagi disebarkan melalui media yang setiap orang boleh menyampaikan pesan sehingga "polusi informasi" semakin bertambah dan bila tidak waspada justru kita terkena akibatnya yaitu dirasuki pesan-pesan hoaks beserta dampak ikutannya.
Teknik peliputan
Teknik peliputan suatu berita/informasi terdiri atas dua hal penting yang perlu diketahui, antara lain: teknik peliputan satu sisi (oneside coverage) yaitu cara-cara peliputan terhadap suatu masalah/peristiwa atau kejadian yang dilakukan oleh komunikator hanya berdasar pada satu sudut pandang.
A blog post has working elements that make it one of the best forms of content in today's MLM business environments. The way it is constructed can make or break the marketing of the business itself. The purpose or goal of the blog is usually two-fold, to drive traffic and to educate the reader. However, the goals can be different then what's listed here. Whatever goals that you decide should reflect on the design and promotion of the individual posts.
The layout of the blog
The MLM business blog consists of a consistent format that allows the reader to consume the material easily. The format or layout includes the title, any subheadings, body text, URL links, closing and call for action. Don't be shy to elaborate on a topic under multiple subheadings. Each sub heading should reflect on the main theme from your introductory paragraph.
The body text must align with the topic of the subheading and that in turn relate to the main topic of the MLM business blog. The layout is simple, from title to each subheading, to the closing and call to action. That is how it flows. You can get fancy with the call to action and other aspects but that is for another day. Each paragraph should be no longer than a hundred words each, 75 is really the target to hit. However, this will not always be the case.
Once you hit towards the end of your blog post. You can wrap things up nicely with a closing that is followed by a call to action. The closing can be 50 words with a shorter call for action. Every post should offer at least one call to action that leads further into the lead cycle. You can measure the success of them with Google analytics. Once you have your draft done. You can then tweak the layout and start editing the content. Use a good spell and grammar checker. Don't forget to find an image that is relevant to the written material. Put it aside for an hour or two and then come back and review it again with a clear mind.
Your blog is only effective through effort
It takes time and patience to write good blogs for your MLM business. These tips are just for writing one. It only includes some technical aspects but they are important enough to go over and adopt for your needs. Thank you for reading.
About The Author
David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly, visit;