Tasya Kamila-Randy Bachtiar Sah Jadi Suami Istri Dengan Mas Kawin 5.818 Dollar
Setelah menjalani hubungan pacaran selama 5,5 tahun akhirnya Tasya Kamila mengakhiri masa lajangnya. Minggu (5/8) Tasya dan Randy Bachtiar melangsungkan pernikhannya di Hotel Ritz Carlton, Jakarta Pusat. Sebelumnya pasangan ini telah melakukan tunangan pada 1 Juli dilanjutkan dengan lamaran pada 26 Juli. Dilansir dari kapanlagi.com
Upacara akad nikah diawali dengan sambutan dari masing-masing keluarga. Kemudian Randy masuk dengan pakaian serba putih, ia langsung disambut ibu dan kakak laki-laki Tasya. Fatah selaku kakak Tasya Kamila menjadi wali nikah, karena sang ayah telah meninggal setahun lalu.
Ketua MPR RI Zulkifli Hasan turut hadir sebagai saksi nikah Tasya-Randy. Sang mempelai memasuki ruangan diapit oleh kedua tantenya, tasya nampak amat anggun dengan kebaya dan tudung kepala berwarna serba putih. Tasya tampil cantik natural dalam polesan make up artist Upan Duvan.
Baca Juga
Suasana haru menyelimuti ruangan saat Tasya dan Randy memohon izin pada orangtuanya untuk menikah. Randy sah menjadi suami Syafa Tasya Kamila dengan mas kawin uang 5818 dollar Amerika (82,2 juta rupiah), sesuai tanggal pernikahan keduanya. Pria lulusan Harvard University ini mengucap kalimat ijab dengan mantap dalam satu kali ucap.
Dalam acara ini nampak beberapa rekan seleb yang turut menjadi saksi momen penting Randy-Tasya. Antara lain Rossa serta Diera Bachir, sedangkan Irgy Ahmad Fahrezy menjadi MC di acara sakral ini. Acara akan dilanjutkan dengan resepsi yang nantinya digelar di tempat yang sama pada malam hari.
Selamat menempuh hidup baru Tasya dan Randy. Semoga pernikahan kalian penuh cinta dan selalu diberkati Tuhan Yang Maha Esa!
Anyone who has every gone through debt or is going through debt at the moment likes knowing all the different possible options possible in terms of how to pay it off, or how to pay it off with less monthly installments, for that matter.
Freedom Debt Relief reviews are important in order to separate the hype from the real deal. According to the ad on TV, you can reduce your debt by up to half making just one payment per month. The company states that it can help you get rid of your debt in two to four years without declaring bankruptcy or getting credit counseling. Rather, the company claims to negotiate with your creditor in order to lessen your owed amount.
According to a few Freedom Debt Relief reviews, however, some of those who signed u declared bankruptcy while others even encountered debt increase. A few reviews indicated that the company did not even get in touch with the creditors to negotiate lower debts.
Many consumers found that the Freedom Debt Relief Company had sent every account to collection agencies. Thus, many clients never overcame their debts even with years of service and administration fees paid to the company. To top it off, it turns out that Freedom Debt Relief did not even operate with a business license in the state of California.
The Bottom Line
Freedom Debt Relief reviews indicate that one consumer after another feels duped and at the very least, disappointed at the way Freedom Debt Relief gave out false advertising, did not do what they claimed they were going to do and even practiced in the state of California with no business license. It has lost all credibility and continues to charge administration fees to people who are already deeply in debt as it is, and looking for a way out. What should consumers do?
Based on the Freedom Debt Relief reviews, the first thing consumers need to do is to cancel their patronage to Freedom Debt Relief and then talk to creditors themselves to try and see if reduced payments will be allowed. Negotiate a principal reduction with a company that helps in debt-reduction. The way to know whether or not a company will help in reducing debt is to read various reviews and check with the Better Business Bureau as to whether or not they are working effectively and have good reviews from consumer reports.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jennifer_Cosculluela/529798