Terlanjur Selingkuh Dibuat Kejang Tiap Ketemu, 3 Bulan Cerai Wanita Ini Menyesal Tahu Rahasia Ini
Akhirnya aku menyerah. Aku memutuskan, tidak apa-apa aku yang lebih sering bercerita, dan biar suamiku yang menjadi pendengarnya. Adil. Karena mengharap dia bercerita dan membuatku tertawa itu tidak mungkin. Seperti pungguk merindukan bulan. Lagipula, aku tetap bisa mendapatkan tawa dari orang lain, seperti dari lelaki itu, misalnya.

Dia, suamiku, kemudian memang menjadi pendengar paling baik yang pernah aku kenal. Dia akan duduk di depanku berlama-lama. Tidak hanya mendengar tapi memperhatikan. Dia akan menaruh handphonenya, bukunya, atau apa saja yang sedang dia pegang atau kerjakan, hanya untuk mendengar aku bercerita. Dia bisa hapal apa yang kuceritakan saking perhatiannya.
Cukup menyenangkan, tapi belum cukup. Karena lama-lama, aku menjadi bosan. Aku masih ingin diberi lebih banyak tawa.
Lalu aku ingat pada suatu hari dia melihat mataku berbinar ketika bercerita tentang seseorang. Tentang lelaki itu, lelaki yang kusimpan ceritanya di note tabletku itu.
Dia memperhatikan, tersenyum, dan berkata, "Memiliki cinta selainku dan kamu jadikan rahasia itu tidak apa-apa. Bisa jadi, cinta itu ada karena kekuranganku atau kelebihan dia."
Aku terdiam. Jangan-jangan aku terlalu banyak bercerita tentang dia? Sial. Apakah kebahagiaanku ketika menceritakannya sebegitu kentara? Sampai berulang-ulang aku menceritakan dan aku tidak menyadarinya? Sial! Seharusnya aku lebih berhati-hati.
"Tapi jangan kamu pupuk," lanjut suamiku, "dan kamu biarkan berkembang. Jangan terlalu dekat dengannya, jangan berusaha membuatnya jatuh cinta, seberapapun kamu ingin melakukannya. Dan jangan terlalu perhatian dengannya. Seorang lelaki yang diperhatikan perempuan, bisa membuatnya jatuh cinta. Dan jika kamu terlalu perhatian dengannya, cinta yang lain--aku, bisa-bisa tidak kamu perhatikan lagi dan lama-lama cintaku ini mati."
Ada jeda dalam percakapan kami berdua. "Bagaimanapun juga, cinta yang diberi pupuk akan lebih bertahan dari pada yang tidak. Yang diperhatikan, akan lebih kamu sayang. Jangan memupuk cinta rahasiamu dengan berlama-lama meluangkan waktu bersama dia. Hanya itu pesanku."
Aku terkejut. Dia tahu. Dia mengenali perasaan jatuh cintaku. Atau dia pernah membuka tabletku dan membaca note-noteku? Semoga tidak.
Whether you're running a large or small business, one of the things that can effects your success is getting your brand and voice right. If you're in a sector that's very competitive, it's vital that you know how to make your brand stand out and what you can do in order to get the most from your advertising and marketing, consumers and business in general.
Appeal To People's Feelings
People like it when they feel they can relate to somebody or something. This means showing the human side of your brand. If you're a one-person business then that might mean showing your personality. If you're a bigger organization, you can still add emotion and character to what you do.
Tell An Interesting Story
To make your customers more interested and engaged in your business, tell them an interesting story. It could be something to which people can easily relate, or you might want to tell a story that really pulls at the heartstrings and makes your brand and voice memorable. Despite the fact that people might not think of you as the most successful company in the world, they'll be able to remember you, and that can often be much more important
What Are The Strengths of Your Business?
Think about the strong points lie within your business. For instance, you might not sell the lowest priced type of your product or service when compared to your competitors, but perhaps you offer the best support to your customers. Or maybe you really shine in explaining things in a simple and easy-to-understand way. No matter what your strengths are, use them in your branding.
Product Differentiation
A strong brand can quickly be seen as distinctive from its competition. Know where to be competitive, whether or not it's on cost, support, or some other key elements. Be very clear on precisely what advantages your business provides over other businesses and communicate these elements in your marketing messages.
Be Consistent
You want your audience to see to your brand across multiple channels. Your brand needs to deliver them with the same basic message and experience. If your brand is different on social media than it is in your email messages, the end result is confusion. Confusion drives people away. That's not your objective. Consistency builds brands.
Show Your Passion
The joy and focus that your passion brings your product and service will support your business during both bad and good times. Your passion will also enable you and your team to provide top-notch customer care and continued product and service development.
Branding is important for small businesses as well as large companies. If you have a limited budget, smart branding is perhaps the most inexpensive business tool you can create. To learn more about how to make your business stand out, download my free checklist, Branding For Small Businesses & Bloggers at https://jonallo.com/branding
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jon_Allo/1079948
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9969253