Tetap Tenang Walau Jodoh Tak Kunjung Datang

"Insyaallah, kamu akan mendapatkan jodoh yang lebih baik dari mereka semua. Kamu tidak perlu marah dan kecewa dengan siapapun, karena jodoh itu sudah ada alamatnya masing-masing. Allah sudah menentukan jodohmu, namun tidak memberitahukan kepada kamu. Jadi yakinlah Allah akan berikan jodoh terbaik untukmu. Tugasmu hanya memantaskan diri agar Allah berikan jodoh terbaik untukmu", tambah saya.
Selalu Yakin dan Optimis

Ketika usia sudah memasuki 30 tahun, namun belum ada jodoh yang datang, sering muncul kegelisahan pada lelaki dan ---terlebih lagi--- pada perempuan lajang. Pertanyaan keluarga dan masyarakat sekitar kerap menjadi tekanan tersendiri.
Pada beberapa kalangan jomblo, bahkan mereka merasa tengah dibully saat ada yang bertanya tentang pernikahan. Padahal sebenarnya pertanyaan itu termasuk 'standar basa-basi' masyarakat Indonesia, seperti yang saya lakukan. Tidak ada maksud membully sama sekali saat saya bertanya kepada siapapun, "Sudah menikah?" Atau, "Sudah berkeluarga?" Atau, "Sudah berapa anaknya?" Itu semua adalah pertanyaan wajar dalam perkenalan di Indonesia.
Terlebih lagi ketika pernah mengalami peristiwa ditolak oleh seseorang yang diharapkan menjadi pasangan hidupnya. Pada contoh lelaki saleh yang saya ceritakan di depan, ia pernah beberapa kali ditolak pinangannya oleh pihak akhwat.
Pada contoh yang lainnya, ada akhwat yang kecewa karena lelaki saleh yang diharapkan datang meminangnya, ternyata menikah dengan akhwat yang lainnya. Kejadian pernah ditolak, kadang membuat perasaan tidak nyaman, bahkan terkadang menjadikan rasa tidak percaya diri.
Success doesn't come easy. It's not supposed to, or everyone would be successful in everything and life would be boring. This doesn't mean that compounded hard work cannot make success overflowing. It can especially when there is a lot of momentum behind your effort. Those who quit early on will only taste the bitterness of their labor. This also means don't spend 10 years in a career with mediocre results either. One of the easiest ways to find success is having an outline based on your vision. Now let's us look at how visions and an outlook collide together.
Vision and Outlines open doors for success
A vision is the map that starts the journey from ground zero. You can see various destinations or goals but they may be a bit fuzzy. You may see your ultimate goal but you may not know how to get there. Some visions are extremely detailed, while others feel like a nice day dream. This is why you cannot solely rely on visions only. It's like having a half tank of gas and leaving New York for California. Not going to happen on that low amount of fuel. Most of you will have a route and a plan of action. This is where an outline comes into play.
The outline provides steps and destinations for you to reach. It is a guiding force that helps turn visions into reality. However, an outline is not the final method. It is the beginning of your marketing plan and is not concrete. It will change as you move forward with your business. The outline consists of checkpoints that you have defined before hand based on knowledge, skills, budget, and goals you want to achieve. As you create your outline. You can add or remove items as you go. Check off the ones you have accomplished. At this point you need to be honest with yourself about everything.
From outline to launching your business
As you complete your outline. You can build your marketing plan. This plan is a bit more concrete than the outline but it can be changed over time. The marketing plan has well developed goals and a clearly defined audience. It will guide your marketing and sales efforts over the course of your business. After your final draft of your marketing. You can then launch your business or move onto other areas if need be. You may need to take additional courses before creating your marketing plan or build your website.
About The Author
David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly, visit; http://www.DavidLFeinstein.com