
Fakta Nutrisi Akar Maca

3. Selain dari konstituen utama, akar maca dan bagian tanaman lainnya yang memiliki manfaat kesehatan pigmen antosianin, alkaloid, tanin, dll. 

4. Bagian tanaman maca secara tradisional diyakini dapat meningkatkan tingkat energi. Inca kuno yang digunakan bagian akar maca untuk meningkatkan kesuburan dan sebagai afrodisiak dan untuk mengatur gejala-gejala menopause dan menstruasi.

5. Para peneliti yang bekerja pada maca menegaskan bahwa senyawa aktif tertentu seperti sisiides dan macaena bertanggung jawab atas tindakan fisiologisnya pada tubuh manusia.

6. Bubuk akar maca adalah sumber vitamin dan mineral yang sangat kaya. 100 g bubuk maca terdiri dari kalsium - 250 mg, zat besi - 14,8 mg, potassium -2000 mg, natrium-7,9 mg, tembaga-6mg dan mangan- 0,8 mg. Sebagian besar mineral ini merupakan bagian integral dari gizi maca yang berperan sebagai ko-faktor untuk enzim dalam fungsi metabolik. 

7. Produk maca komersial telah mendapatkan popularitas sebagai suplemen makanan untuk tujuan afrodisiak dan untuk meningkatkan kesuburan dan stamina. Namun, bukti ilmiah tentang keefektifannya terbatas. 

If this is your first time, don't worry! I'm here to help make sure you are steered on the right road, I'm here to guide you, and to answer any thoughts and questions you may have. My aim is make you a network marketing professional as quickly as possible. After all, I've got 25 years' experience doing things that went wrong, learning from what didn't work, and moving forward and making it work. I'm going to tell you the 5 reasons how network marketing is flourishing and even booming right now, and why you should start network marketing. 1 Social selling and online team building There are over 3.7 billion people online every day. That's a 50% increase in just the last 5 years! And it's expected to increase another 25% in the next 5 years. Are you well established online already? If not? Start owning your online properties today. I will guide you through the process of building your online community and getting customers to make those all important sales. 2 Is your job disappearing? It's being discussed many times and agreed by government think tanks and scientists around the world that computers will take over from humans in many business sectors. It is estimated that over 47% of jobs we know of today will disappear within the next 25 years. For instance, automobile driver jobs won't exist in 5 years from now! Now have a look at your job and see if you have to say goodbye to it before it does it to you. 3 Recession proof industry It's a term used to describe an asset, company or any entity that is believed to be economically resistant to the outcomes of a recession. So many companies were hit in 2008 with the global recession. People started staying at home more, cutting back on spending of what we would call luxury goods, many saving their income for a rainy day. No one knew if they would have a job to go to when they got to work on the Monday morning. But this was not the case. To show that the proof is in the pudding, even when we all suffered the global recession of 2008, we saw an annual growth of 24% that year. 4 Huge industry with high income With a network marketing value of over $182.6 billion and total pay-out to its partners of over $71 billion there's an ever increasing passive residual income for yourself, family and your community. 5 Easy to start, keep and scale You'll have the ability to learn and become a network marketing expert in a very short period of time. You get to learn from the best that is out there already. Plus a huge advantage of having a very low start up investment cost from a global business that will give you the time and financial freedom. Start a network marketing career today, pick a network marketing company and get to work right away before it's too late. Your Bro Jalal Zaitouni For more content like this and to start a successful Network Marketing career, please visit my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgr3jLOi0cfM2th4ShniBZw or visit my website here: https://jalalzaitouni.com/

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